The Freedom and Loneliness of Free Time
There's a perk to having a lot of free time: the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want. And what if you're all alone while doing those things? Does the enjoyment feel the same?
I recently experienced this. I wanted to chat with a friend. Took the phone with "Hey, Are you free to chat?" in mind. I knew everyone was busy working, so I stopped myself from messaging them. In that moment, solitude turned into loneliness.
Writing, however, had become a reliable friend. It's always there when I need it, unlike friends who might be occupied. It's supportive and welcoming, offering solace through words. Interestingly, I view writing as a masculine force – it requires action to engage with it.
Connection Through Creation
Connection is ultimately what I craved when I initially sought a friend. The need was so strong, it felt overwhelming. Choosing writing fulfills this need perfectly. It fosters a connection with the most important person in my life: myself! (And potentially with other like-minded souls if I choose to share my writing online.)
The more I write, the deeper the connection grows. I feel heard, understood, and loved. My soul yearned for connection, and my hands provided an avenue to fulfill that yearning – a way to connect, express and share my thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Once my words flow freely, the energy that overwhelmed me finds release and a sense of peace washes over my heart.
There's beauty in listening to our hearts' desires and taking steps to satisfy them.
Unleashing pent-up energy through healthy creative expression is truly wonderful. I hope many people can experience the joy, playfulness and lightness this process brings.
This one page of writing was all I needed to feel better. Thank you, my dear fingers, for your assistance. You're the best!